November 19, 2008

How things happened the way they did and why some things didn't happen.

Here's an interesting look at things in the Lost world.

There are tidbits about how certain plot points occurred.

But there's also some things that were discussed but never happened.



November 13, 2008

Casting for season five

Michael Ausiellio and Doc Jensen at Entertainment Weekly have some tidbits and speculation about roles that will be cast for season five:

Ausiellio: Phil's an ogre who works in corporate security, Jerry's his party-boy colleague, and the doctor is, um, a hippieish doctor who finds himself in a sitch for which no internship could've prepared him.

Doc Jensen's says: "Phil and Jerry work in 'corporate security,' huh? And the doctor is 'hippieish'? My guess: Flashback to the Purge. Phil and Jerry are Dharma footsoldiers, charged with protecting the weird science enclave from 'the hostiles'/'the Others.' Of course, we know they will fail miserably, as Turncoat Ben helped gas the village. Perhaps the 'situation outside of his medical experience' that the doctor finds himself in is racing against time to save his fellow peeps from exposure to the gas."

November 10, 2008

New Lost footage from season five

Check out this short clip from the upcomming season, courtesy of Watch With Kristin at E!Online.

It's short and fast, but hey, we'll take what we can get.

We have a premiere date!

UPDATE: There will actually be three hours.
One hour is a clip show.

Lost returns Jan. 21 with a two-hour premiere.

This appears to be two episodes rather than one hour beings take up by a clip show.

November 6, 2008

What else do you watch?

With Lost on hiatas until February, Losties Island is curious ...

What other shows are you watching?

What's good? What's bad?

Dissecting the season five teaser

You've seen the season five teaser. But have you dissected it for meaning?

Never fear, it's been done for you. It's a second by second play by play.


November 5, 2008

Poll results: Jacob is ...

Well, what is Jacob?

With voters able to select more than one choice ...

25 percent of you said Jacob was a figment and a live person.

No one voted that Jacob is connected to Ben or Charles Widmore, part of Dharma or an other.

Half you think Jacob is the answer to the questions in Lost.

And three-fourth of you say he is the man behind the curtain.

Use the comments section to explain your vote or cast a vote if you didn't the first time.

November 4, 2008

Lost: a funny review

Think it's hard to review Lost if you've never seen it?

What if you're a stick figure?

Check out this amusing review of last season.