June 21, 2009
Doc Jensen chats with Josh Holloway
What was it like to play a different Sawyer this year?
What does he think about Sawyer and Juliet?
What does he think of Sawyer and Jack finally beating the crap out of each other in the season finale?
This and more in a three-part video interview.
June 15, 2009
Doc's Jensen's back with more theories!

We would have brought this hot news to you sooner, except we got busy and didn't check the EW.com "Totally Lost" website all weekend. Thus we totally missed seeing it ourselves, until today.
The inimitable Doc Jensen has been pondering time travel, paradoxes and all things Lost for the past month, and he has some thoughts to share. In fact, he has many thoughts to share, because he has not one, not two, but FOUR possible scenarios for how the Lostaways will get back together in Season 6.
Says the Doc:
Additional reasons for my delay: 1. Wanting to finish the equally tardy season finale of Totally Lost, which you will find at the close of this column, as if some freaky four-toed foot to this monument of ruinous, airy talk; 2. Finding the right words to articulate the large swath of theory below, particularly Scenario 2. Describing this time-travel paradox stuff — dudes, that s--- be hard! And I'm still not 100 percent confident I nailed it. You shall be the judge.
I had previously billed this column as the last of the year. I originally envisioned an epic, filled with theories, illuminating research, and the results of my Lost Must-Solve Mystery Survey. But stuff has happened. Developments have occurred. Things have changed: This here collection of fractured thoughts and ill-considered wordsmithery won't be my last Doc Jensen column of the year — not by a long shot. More, soon.
And as Doc J. mentions, there also are some interesting hints about Season 6 from star Matthew Fox, over on TVGuide.com. However, that one's a bit spoilery, and we would not recommend that you click and read the Fox article unless you don't mind some broad, general hints about what is to come in the final season of Lost.
June 10, 2009
Rumors about who will be back for Season 6

File this under "Oh Please Let it be True:" Rumor has it that Dominic Monaghan (aka Charlie) will be back for four episodes.
And then Emile de Ravin (Claire) will be back for the full season and that Maggie Grace (Shannon) will return for six epsiodes.
No deals have been made, according to Watch with Kristin at E!Online. But is that true or are they just saying that?
I've wondered how they can reset everything (if they indeed do) without bringing back the original cast.
Stay tuned.
June 7, 2009
Whose eye was that, anyway?

But whose eye was shown?
Well, most often when we have seen it in Lost, the closeup shot of an eye has been Jack's, which is also whose it was in the pilot's opening shot at the very beginning of the show. And my guess is that the eye we saw this time, teasing Season 6, was also that of Doc Shephard the Younger.

Which LOST character will get a spin-off show? (Just kidding!)
ABC sources reported that the series will transplant the evil black cloud from the island of Lost to the suburbs of Chicago, where it works as a sports radio host, surrounded by "a whole new group of crazy characters." Actress Lea Thompson has signed on to play the monster's long-suffering wife, who must put up with her husband's screwball antics while raising the couple's two rambunctious children, Tanner and Smoky, Jr.
...Lost producer Jack Bender has confirmed that the smoke monster will no longer be part of his show's regular cast. However, ABC has promised that Where There's Smoke will feature a number of guest appearances from Lost regulars. Sources said the pilot episode will feature an appearance by actor Michael Emerson as a slobby houseguest named Benjamin Linus who overstays his welcome, much to the chagrin of the smoke monster's wife.
June 5, 2009
Claire's Season 6 return: Is she alive, or un-dead?

"Any scenario that brings Claire back to Lost must address the mysterious
circumstances of her disappearance at the end of season 4, in which many of us
were led to believe that she was as dead -- or rather, undead -- as the Ghost
Christian that's been haunting The Island since season 1. So here's one thought:
Juliet changed time in the season finale by detonating Jughead, and season 6
will tell the story of the new timeline, one in which Claire is alive. Another
thought: In light of the revelation that John Locke was actually a supernatural
impostor for half of season 5, perhaps in season 6, we'll get a storyline in
which Claire just emerges out of the jungle, with no memory of what happened to
her -- just like season 1 -- and we and the castaways will be left to wonder: Is
this the real Claire or another impostor infiltrating them a la Locke? Heck,
maybe that's going to be the major idea of next season: Who's really alive and
who's really (un)dead? It really will be the fabled zombie season of