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I caught most of the show tonight while at work. For me, one of the biggest surprises was Ana Lucia's appearance. I didn't expect her to show up until next week's episode. TV Guide or Entertainment Weekly - one of the two outlets - had reported that she would show up during the second episode. I guess we'll see her again next week.
Also, I may have missed this somewhere or forgotten something important, but I thought Sayid trusted Ben. And I thought Hurley also trusted Ben. So I was confused as to why Hurley didn't want to go with Ben when he showed up at his house. I was annoyed that Hurley turned himself in. Overall, Hurley annoyed me tonight for some reason. I usually like his character.
The whole time element storyline is completely confusing me now. I thought I understood it before, but now - for lack of a better word - I'm LOST!!
I have a lot of questions. It was interesting to see Ms. Hawking, so she must be Daniel Faraday's mom.
Who were those guys in suits at the end. Were they Dharma initiative folks but weren't the Dharma people killed off pre-Desmond?
Some time has passed since Sayid began working with Ben. Something must have happened or he realized that Ben kept getting him to kill people. I don't think Hurley ever trusted Ben. Plus, Sayid told Hurley in this episode to always do the opposite of what Ben says. He followed those directions, but he didn't follow Ana Lucia's instructions, which was to not get arrested.
I missed the part in tonight's episode where Sayid told Hurley to do the opposite of what Ben says. I definitely need to re-watch tonight's episode because I missed about 15 minutes of the premiere.
One more thing -- was that Sawyer in the opening of tonight's episode? The guy who was shooting a commercial or film of the Dharma project. That looked like Sawyer.
One more thing -- was that Sawyer in the opening of tonight's episode? The guy who was shooting a commercial or film of the Dharma project. That looked like Sawyer.
Overall, I like tonight's two-part premiere, but like I said earlier, I have way more questions than answers.
It was nice to see Ana Lucia again. I stayed away from the spoilers so I didn't know she was going to make an appearance.
Beth just mentioned something I'd forgotten about. Ms. Hawking appeared in a photo during Season 3 when Desmond was in the monastery. And she's in a church in tonight's premiere. So she has some sort of religious connection. Notice she says at the "God help us all" to Ben when he asks what happens if he can't get everyone to go back to island.
Well, appar-ently the Island has come unstuck in time and the result is that poor Charlotte is getting nosebleeds, which does not bode well for her to last much longer. I think next week she might start flashing back to her own past, as Desmond did. I think it will be revealed that she spent her childhood on the Island. But she'll probably die unless she manages to find a constant (as Desmond did when he phoned Penny from the freighter). Desmond is Daniel's constant; that's probably why he went and talked to him at the hatch and told him to go find his mother at Oxford in the future. Since we saw Ben conferring with Desmond's enigmatic Ms. Hawking, I'm starting to wonder if maybe SHE is Daniel's mom.
According to the first scene of the show, Daniel ends up working inside the Dharma Initiative at the time when they're building the vault inside the Orchid station. I think he also ends up working with Dr. Pierre Chang, the Asian physicist from all the Dharma orientation videos. In the video shown at ComicCon last summer, a depressed Dr. Chang talked on tape about knowing his fate and knowing all the Dharma people would die in the Purge. Also that he knew who the president of the US would be in 2004, because he had a most reliable source. The voice of the video's cameraman seemed to be Daniel's voice. So that kind of confirms what we saw in tonight's opening.
I just hope the Island settles down and stops jumping around in time quite so frequently. I want to see more of the Dharma Initiative!
I echo your thoughts on the time jumping Joyce. That could get really annoying if they spend the entire season doing that.
Did anyone else think that perhaps the baby we see at the beginning of the episode is going to turn out to be someone important. Could it be Miles? Or I am over thinking this?
I also thought Mrs. Hawking is probably Daniel's mother and that the baby would turn out to be someone important. But with two Asian parents I expected the baby would be someone with an Asian appearance, which limits the options. Unless Dr. Chang had gotten the baby in some other way, then it could be anyone. I don't think the cameraman was Sawyer, but he had such an odd wig on that it seems we were supposed to notice the cameraman with long hair for some reason.
-- Kristine
Here's a link the EW's Jeff Jensen's recap of the premiere. Watch the video on the last page. Lost exec producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindeloff, discuss the show and time travel.
One thing I liked about the time travel is that they apparently can't go back and change things. If Daniel is right, that is. I'm glad there is a rule that they can't go around saving everyone and preventing anything bad that happened on the island or elsewhere.
Any idea what Ben took from the vent?
Hurley summing up the whole four seasons of lost in four sentences to his mother was funny, and his t-shirt was amazing!
Hurley's summary was hilarious. I'm a bit shocked that his mother's reaction was to believe him.
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