March 31, 2009

Entertainment Weekly's take on heroes and villians in pop culture

Although not exclusively about Lost, Entertainment Weekly's current issue explores the ideas of heroes and villians, good and bad.

It covers TV, movies, comic books, books to explore how our ideas of heroes and villians have changed over the years.

Lost is mentioned as a show where the heroes don't always do the right thing and the villians can sometimes do something that's not quite bad.

We desperately want good to triumph over evil, but we can't staunch our doubts that good is up to the task. "We want heroes to know the difference between good and bad, and we want them to be strong," says Lost exec producer Damon Lindelof. "However, it's hard for such a person to be accessible unless they're also extremely effed up.because only a seriously disturbed individual would want to be a hero."
Of course, it's written by Doc Jensen, who writes about Lost for the magazine.

In the print version of the article, there are photos of both Ben and Kate.

Preview: Ben's shot and only Jack can save him?

Here's a sneak peak of Wednesday's episode, Whatever Happened, Happened.

Check out the three videos to see what happens after Sayid shot Ben.

Juliet says Ben "needs a real surgeon."

Will Jack save the day? Does he want to?

And, count on Hurley for the hilarious Back the Future reference that we've all been making for weeks.

March 28, 2009

"Turn it up! I love Geronimo Jackson!"

And now you, like the late Charlotte Lewis, can become a fan of Geronimo Jackson, the obscure 1970s band that keeps popping up on Lost.

Members of iTunes can get a free download of "Dharma Lady," a three-minute, Grateful Dead-esque tune that's recently been heard a couple of times on the show.

And go to to buy Geronimo Jackson T-shirts, stickers and magnets -- as well as a "Dharma Cafeteria" T-shirt, featuring the Dharma Chef logo (worn by Hugo in the last couple of episodes).

PS: For the hardcore fan, there's plenty of other Lost and Dharma merchandise at the official online store. If you can't live without an official Dharma Initiative jumpsuit, for example, you can get your very own for $89.95. Hey, Halloween is only seven months away!

March 27, 2009

TV Guide: Getting Lost

Check out this TV Guide video that quickly recaps "He's Our You" but also boasts short interviews with Little Ben, Juliet and Horace ... or at least the actors who play them.

Also more speculation on why Sun crashed instead of flashing with Jack, Kate, Sayid and Hurley.

March 26, 2009

Recapping 'He's Our You'

Here's what Doc Jensen had to say.

We are mysteries unto ourselves. Are killers born or made? Are we born evil or do we become evil? Are we products of nature or nurture? ''He's Our You,'' the tenth episode of Lost's rapidly dwindling fifth season, was a brain-melting thriller filled with deep, dark thoughts, with none bigger than this: Has Sayid changed Lost history by popping a cap in Young Ben in the Dharma Initiative past?
And Watch With Kristin.

And The Washington Post. And the chat.

More hints about the season finale

Check out this tease from Michael Ausiello at Entertainment Weekly about the season finale of Lost.

It's not really a spoiler. But it is showing us a little leg.

Question: Please give us a hint about the big death in the Lost finale. -- Bill

Ausiello: Just this one: That's not what people will be talking about the next morning. Trust me.

March 25, 2009

What did you think of 'He's Our You?'

So, is Ben dead? If so, is the Ben of 2007 dead, too?
I really was shocked that Sayid just grabbed Jin's gun and shot him.
He could have gone with the idea of saving Ben from himself. But has Ben already gone too far since he's been wanting to join The Others for four years.
Ben is a manipultive little shit. It's shown really well when he shows up to tell Sayid that Widmore's people killed Locke.
When are we going to find out why Ben had the crap beat out of him? Did he go after Penny?
What did you love? What did you hate in this epsiode?
What's your vote for line of the night? How about (not sure on the exact wording): "A 12-year-old Benjamin Linus just fed me a chicken salad do you think I feel?"
There's a lot of debate about whether if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you? If you could go back in time and kill Ben, would you?
Is it wrong? Is it right? Is it the right thing to do for the greater good but still wrong?
Bring on the gray Lost, bring on the gray.

Doc Jensen: 3 Theories, 1 Mystery

As usual, Doc Jensen provides an thoughtful appetizer before tonight's episode. Lost of speculation but NO spoilers. Also, check out this week's video edition of Totally Lost.

While it doesn't deal as directly with "He's Our You" as much as his other previews delve into the week's episode, he has some interesting theories. It's a Sayid-centric episode.

You'll definitely want to check out his reasoning for why he believes the island almost has everyone where it wants them to be. And, a reader/viewer theorizes that they've been sent back in time to prevent Ben from becoming evil. Hmmm? Thoughts? There are some interesting A Wrinkle in Time connections here.

And, was Claire in last week's episode? In the HD version of the show, you could see someone in the building with Sun, Frank and Christian. Perhaps, a woman with blond hair? Here's a screen grab. What do you think?

Given all the other freaky-creepy elements that were part of that sequence — Smokey's rattle, the Whispers, Ghost Christian — we must wonder if Phantom Girl was an Easter Egg intended to be discovered by Lost obsessives blessed with keen eyesight and very expensive television sets. What do I think? I think one of these following scenarios will be proven to be true if and when the truth is ever revealed:
A. It's Ghost Claire.
B. It's Ghost Charlotte.
C. It was a member of the Lost production crew that got in the shot by mistake.

March 24, 2009

'He's Our You' sneak peaks

The title for Wednesday's could mean so many things. "He's Our You."

But this is a reference to the Dharma guy who does for them what Sayid did for the Losties. Namely, torture.

In one of three sneak peaks, we see Sayid being taken to the other him.

In the second we see, Sawyer telling Sayid he can "confess" and live among the Dharma folks or be alone. What do you think he chooses?

In the third, we see young Ben before he was crazy and evil. Or was it before he was crazy and evil?

Tell me, what do you think will happen to Sayid?

March 23, 2009

Season finale spoilers

Someone's getting married in the season finale of Lost, reports EW's Michael Ausellio.

Because of reports that the show is looking for actors of Asian decent, there's speculation that it could be a flashback to Jin and Sun's wedding. Could this mean that Jin and Sun will reunite in the finale. (Speaking of the reunion, any idea how Jin could go back to the future or how Sun could return to the past?)

But the "wild rumor" is that Aaron and Jin and Sun's baby marry in the future. Hmmm.

What do you think it is?

That's not the only rumor to surface.

The bewitching Elizabeth Mitchell, aka Juliet, has reportedly been cast in the ABC pilot "V." Could she be the major charater marked for death this season?

What would that mean for the show?

March 19, 2009

Reviews and theories after 'Namaste'


No day after a Lost epsiode is complete without Doc Jensen's theories and speculation for Entertainment Weekly.

Check out Watch with Kristin's Lost Redux at E!Online.

March 18, 2009

Namaste: What did you think?

What are your thoughts after seeing "Namaste?"

Doc Jensen previews "Namaste"

Lost is back after a one-week hiatus.

Check out this preview of "Namaste" by Doc Jensen. He has a few theories and insights about what's going on as we join the Losties in 1977.

March 16, 2009

SPOILER: Someone is getting offed before the season ends

UPDATE: Look at the bottom of this post to for a list of five names. One of the five will die. Don't read if you don't want to know.

A "major character" is dying on Lost, reports Kristin at E!Online.

She says this a a real death like Shannon or Charlie. Not like Locke's death and resurrection.

It's not Kate.

Apparently the actor/actress who's character is dying didn't find out until last week.

Any thoughts on who it might be and why?

According to the character who bites the dust is one of these five: Ben, Sawyer, Daniel, Jin, Miles

March 13, 2009

More reunions coming in episode "Namaste"

Check out this reunion coming up in next week's epsiode, "Namaste."

It's just a tiny sneak peak to make up going a week without Lost.

March 11, 2009

It's bye week, and Doc Jensen theorizes...

A Wednesday without a new Lost is like a Wednesday without sunshine. And that's pretty much what we've got today, boys and girls: no sunshine in Dallas, and no new Lost for another week.

But if you're really desperate, you can watch a rerun of "LaFleur" tonight at 8 (CDT) on ABC. Or you can DVR all the old eps running on G4 and SciFi, like I'm doing.

And then you can also hop over to's Totally Lost site and see what Doc Jensen has to say about the absence of Rose and Bernard. He also offers fan theories on the Others' lack of baby-making mojo, and he ruminates on just exactly who may have been the Others' leader when the Purge wiped out Horace and most of the rest of the Dharma Initiative. (The good news is, the Purge isn't due to happen until December 1992. So the Lostaways have 15 years to wait, unless somebody turns that dang donkey wheel again...)

No Lost epsiode tonight

Just a reminder that there is no new episode today.

Don't worry, after a one-week hiatus, the show will be back.

Any predictions on where this season will take us? Only eight episodes to go.

March 9, 2009

Lost casting scoopage

Entertainment Weekly's Ausellio had this news about a Lost casting call:

Lost has put out a casting call for the role of Captain Bird, a charismatic and intelligent ex-military man in his 40s or 50s who is concerned about the safety of his crew. He'll appear in this season's 15th episode as well as the finale. Also being sought are actors to play Young Jeff, a 10-year-old with a Southern accent and a deep anger that hides great pain, and Doug a strong and authoritative Southern gent in his 40s who is forced to deliver bad news to his buddy. Paging Doc Jensen for instanalysis...
Could Young Jeff actually be a Young Sawyer?

March 8, 2009

Doc Jensen posts additional thougts on 'LaFleur'

Doc Jensen at Entertainment Weekly can't say enough about Lost. (We have no idea what that's like, right?)

He has another short post expounding upon his initial recap of "La Fleur."

Anyway, he wonders where Faraday was during the 1977 portions of the epsiode.

He also posts two reader/viewer theories about the island's anti-baby policy and how Amy's baby was born when others haven't been.

"My theory is that the Island's anti-baby policy was a result of Ben joining the Others and helping them kill off the Dharma Initiative. That must have been when everything got off track. The war to which Widmore was referring is the war that leads to the death of Dharma Initiative and his eventual forced exile from the island. The Left-Behinders and the Oceanic 6 were sent back to 1977 to stop those events from happening or to change the outcome." --Lorena

"You have to remember you are dealing with two different groups. The Dharma folks were all killed by Ben and the Others. The Others then moved into the Dharma facilities. Two possibilities. One, the Island is punishing the others for killing the Dharma folks. Second, the Others can't have children because they live so long, either as a byproduct of the treatment or a condition imposed by the four-toed god for the gift." --Jim Laurence

What do you think of these ideas and what's your theory about what's going on with babies being born or not being born on the island?

March 5, 2009

Recaps of "La Fleur"

Here's what Doc Jensen at Entertainment Weekly had to say about this week's character driven episode after week's of theme-based episodes and wacky time travel:

If Jack is the Man of Science, and if John Locke is
the Man of Faith, then I nominate Sawyer as Man of Heart. To hell with it: Can
we just say he's the
effin' man?!' Because in last night's Lost, he certainly
was all that, plus a bag of Dharma chips. The kind of dude all the boys want to
be; the kind of hunk that all the girls wanna get with —provided they're cool
with his new slightly shorn and less stubbled look. Stepping up as leader,
savior, and super-cool boyfriend — and succeeding wildly at all three — Sawyer
found himself born again in the Dharma Initiative past. He seemed perfectly at home, perfectly at ease, perfectly self-realized within the confines of the trippy-hippy Utopian commune. Making the ex-con the head of Dharma security? Genius. Coupling him with fertility doc-turned-motor pool mechanic Juliet? Totally worked for me. Kudos to Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell for selling us on the best romance Lost has ever given us. Consider my membership in the Skater/SawKate/Kateyer 'shipper club resigned, chopper kiss be damned. But bliss is fleeting on Lost, and so, after Sawyer told Dharma's troubled uber-nerd Horace Goodspeed that he could barely remember the face of the girl that got away, we got the moment the entire season had been setting us up for. As Sawyer locked eyes with his former (?) fugitive dreamgirl, newly returned to the
Island, I heard Sawyer's internal monologue say ''Oh, yeah. I, like, totally love you. Er, I mean, loved you. I mean: Crap!'' If they gave Emmy nominations for meaningful gazes, Holloway should start ironing his tuxedo T-shirt and best ripped jeans, because he'd be going to the ceremony.
And Watch With Kristin from E!Online.

Here's The Washington Post's recap and chat.

March 4, 2009

LaFleur: What did you think?

So, Sawyer and Juliet?

And, couldn't you just tell that Sawyer's heart beat a little faster when he saw Kate?

Three years is nothing but it's everything.

Thought, analysis, questions?

This episode marks the halfway point of the season.

Doc Jensen previews 'LaFleur,' with teasers's Doc Jensen brings his theories in advance of tonight's Sawyer-centric episode, "LaFleur." And don't miss a new "Totally Lost" video that (a) reviews questions from last week's "Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham," and (b) brings teasers from Team Darlton, delivered by Jensen progeny Ben and Lauren.

March 3, 2009

Sneak peaks for episode 5.08: "LaFleur"

Check out these sneak peaks for Wednesday's episodes.

It looks like our Losties islanders are now stuck in time. Perhaps, the 70s?

This epsiode picks up with Sawyer and the others (but not THE Others) when the flashes stop.

Goodbye nosebleeds. Hello, new problems