So, is Ben dead? If so, is the Ben of 2007 dead, too?
I really was shocked that Sayid just grabbed Jin's gun and shot him.
He could have gone with the idea of saving Ben from himself. But has Ben already gone too far since he's been wanting to join The Others for four years.
Ben is a manipultive little shit. It's shown really well when he shows up to tell Sayid that Widmore's people killed Locke.
When are we going to find out why Ben had the crap beat out of him? Did he go after Penny?
What did you love? What did you hate in this epsiode?
What's your vote for line of the night? How about (not sure on the exact wording): "A 12-year-old Benjamin Linus just fed me a chicken salad sandwich...how do you think I feel?"
There's a lot of debate about whether if you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you? If you could go back in time and kill Ben, would you?
Is it wrong? Is it right? Is it the right thing to do for the greater good but still wrong?
Bring on the gray Lost, bring on the gray.
I wonder what happens to middle-aged Ben on the island when kid Ben dies?
I just said the same thing, Paula. Do they exist independent of each other or are they connected?
Wow. I thought the idea of whether Sayid was going to kill or save Ben would drag out?
Has anyone looked up the book Ben gave Sayid?
Wonder why Sawyer went to see Kate? What would have happened if little Ben hadn't sent the VW on fire?
So, if Ben survives, does Sayid shooting him perpetuate Ben's evil nature and all the killing?
What was the title of the book that Ben gave Sayid? "An Alternate Reality"?
I found this on the Television Without Pity blog and found it a great point:
"I think that might've been the first time I've seen a kid violently "killed" on TV. And not only that, you weren't expected to have any sympathy for him. That's some fucked up/awesome storytelling right there."
More from the Televison Without Pity Boards:
Follow up on the little changes in the marina scene:
originally the line Sayid said was this: "And if I see you (Jack) or him (Ben) again, it will be extremely unpleasant for all of us."
and in this episode it was decidedly different, he said: "And if I see you (Ben) again it will be extremely unpleasant for both of us"
There is no way that was on accident.
Wow, so I was really shocked tonight. I wasn't expecting to see Sayid kill Ben right then and there. Good stuff.
You make an interesting point, Jen, about what if Ben somehow survives and that then makes him more evil. In other words, is that why he's this way? Because I thought they couldn't change the future?
Hey, one minor request, is there any way to put the spoiler stuff somewhere else, because I just saw something I didn't want to see. Pretty please? :-)
Did any else get kick out of drugged up Sayid? He played that well, I thought.
I don't think Ben is dead. And I agree with Stella that there is a very good chance that Sayid shooting him ends up setting him on the path to sociopathdom.
I highly recommend this blog:
He has some interesting thoughts about how child Ben surviving this shooting is what made the Others consider him special.
He updates with instant reactions right away and follows in a few days with in-depth analysis. Skip his previews if you dislike spoilers. He doesn't post traditional leaks, but he's a very good guesser.
And where is Desmond? I miss him.
Stella, about spoilers ... I try to label it but there's no way to hide it. It doesn't let you continue on another page.
What did you see that you didn't want to see?
I can try to make the spoiler label bigger.
I've gotta say I felt kinda bad for Little Ben tonight, first getting beaten up by dear old dad Roger Workman, and then shot by his new BFF, Sayid.
I don't think Little Ben is gonna die, though. I think he'll pull through -- and the Island will appear to have miraculously healed him, so the Others will view him as "special."
This was another great episode.
Sayid is a killer, but I LOVE him.
Best character on the show.
I agree with Joyce...I don't believe for a second that Lil' Ben is dead. Daniel was adamant that you can't change the future.
My theory of the moment: Ben tricked Jack and the gang into going back to the island, not to save their friends, but for his own purposes. I think their actions can, in fact, change the course of history. And Ben wants them to do just that. I think it has something to do with giving him ultimate control of the island and eliminating his main foe -- Widmore. And I agree, Sayid did not kill young Ben.
I agree. Ben tricked, manipulated and whatevered them back the island.
They were supposed to go back, originally, because the ones left behind were in danger. But once the flashes stopped, were they still in danger?
It seems those left behind had a pretty good life.
I think Locke's intentions were less nefarious the Ben's. But I am still confused why they had to go back at all?
The purge isn't until the early 90s.
Little Ben will totally survive this.
How certain is everyone that Danie is correct and you can't change the future? Did he know? Was he just giving his theories? Did he have reason to lie?
I'm not surprised that Sayid shot Ben. When little Ben let Sayid out of the jail cell, I had a bad feeling that Sayid would eventually try to harm little Ben.
I don't think Ben is dead at all. I think Ben knew that at some point Sayid would try to harm him when he was a kid. But Ben wanted this to happen, according to a theory I read on another blog. The theory starts off saying that Ben had Sayid kill all those people supposedly connected to Widmore only to instill in Sayid's mind that he's a killer.
After the killing spree, Ben abruptly leaves Sayid there in Moscow. For the longest time thereafter, Sayid is left thinking that he's a killing machine. The theory points out that Ben manipulated Sayid into killing all those people so that Sayid would develop a deep mistrust and hatred for Ben. Ben knew that eventually Sayid would enter a wormhole where he'd been taken to the island where Ben was a child. And Ben knew that Sayid would try to kill him because Sayid had intense hatred for him after the killing spree and other things. But this would mean that Ben is complicit in the shooting. But why would Ben want to be shot at and injured as a kid? What would it delay? And what ripples would it cause in Ben's "master plan" - whatever this may be - that would be favorable toward Ben?
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