October 26, 2009

Who isn't returning to Lost even though he/she was asked to return?

UPDATE: The answer, from Michael Ausiello at Entertainment Weekly, is in WHITE, so you can read this and not be totally spoiled. Highlight the text to read it.

According to a Lost insider, the French Lady’s portrayer, Mira Furlan, turned down the show’s request to return for the final season due to a “prior overseas commitment.” Anyone know how you say “big bag-o-nuts” in français?

ORIGINAL POST: Well, it isn't Harold Perrineau (aka Michael) because he wasn't asked.

But Kristin over at E! Online reveals that one cast member was asked back and is holding out.

Well, you know we can't name names in such cases, but suffice it to say that this is a person you'd assume would very much want to return to the series.
According to my moles, offers went out to the original castmembers several weeks ago, and this particular Lost star decided to decline. While some of the other returning Losties have already filmed scenes, this Lost holdout has not been on the set or filmed anything for the series, according to insiders.
It's also not Ian Somerhalder (aka Boone).

Who do you think would want to stay away?

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