(This will be updated to add the new spoilers for each day)
At E!Online, Watch with Kristin is celebrating the 12 Days of Lost-Mas.
She gives the following teases about the upcoming season:
Day 11: Six of these things are true:
- Juliet survives the bomb.
- Juliet does not survive the bomb.
- Kate and Sawyer flirt.
- Kate and Sawyer kiss.
- Juliet and Sawyer kiss.
- Jack and Sayid touch lips.
- There is a scene with Sawyer in the season premiere that will make you cry buckets—assuming you aren't a robot—and (possibly?) make you Skaters happy.
Day 9: These words will be uttered in the first six hours of the show:
- "Am I alive?"
- "It turned out she did not want out."
- "I wanted you to be able to go home."
- "I was killed by an *** ******."
- "I was supposed to die."
Day 8: Miles, who hears dead people, will carry a message from a dead character. Who could it be?
Day 7: One of the following things is true regarding Ilana and her Ajira posse:
- They were sent by Charles Widmore to kill Ben.
- They were sent by the Man in Black (Jacob's nemesis) to find the island's time travel mechanism and destroy it.
- They were sent to protect Jacob.
- They were sent to revive John Locke.
- Ilana is future Sayid in drag.
- One Lostie we've known for a long time (a dark, handsome someone) will die within the first four hours in the first shocking death of the year.
- Another Lostie we've known and loved since day one of season one will come thisclose to dying—at his own hands—but the good doctor will save him.
Who will die? Who will nearly take his own life?
Day 5: If season six is about Oceanic 815, will we see Desmond again since he wasn't on the plane?- According to sources, we will see Desmond again...
- ...fairly early on in the season.
- His first appearance will be with one of the Losties, and the scene/encounter is very surprising.
- You guys are going to love it! (Honestly)
- Killed **h*.
- Killed ***o*.
- Is *** **o** *****e*.
- Wants to "g* ****."
- Sayid dies.
- Sayid kills Jack.
Remember, when we last saw these Losties they were in 1977. Sayid had been shot and Jack was near the site of the bomb that supposedly went kablooey and reset time.
Day 2: One of these is true, the other is false:
- We find out John Locke is related to C*****s *id**re and J*** ***ph*** in a way you would never ever expect—yes, "related" as in by blood!
- Terry O'Quinn does something bat-poop insane involving a character we have known since the very first episode of Lost's first season, then says: "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
- Shannon's absence from the beginning of the new season will be explained by a significant change to Shannon and Boone's backstory.
- Sawyer will smooch someone who is either Kate or Juliet and it will happen within the first four hours of the new season.
And oh, what the hey, here's a bonus for today's Lost-mas offering only. I will go ahead and tell you that:
Both of the above are actually true. Merry Lost-Mas, everyone!
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