Here are 14 enduring mysteries of Lost, as detertermined by Jeff Jensen at Entertainment Weekly.
He poses 14 mysteries and ponders whether we will learn the answers to any during the fifth season.
From the smoke monster to that four-toed statue to why do pregnant women die to what's the deal with Aaron, Jensen reminds us of what's out there and what we know.
And, what do those damn numbers mean anyway?
What mystery are you most curious about? How will it be resolved? How should it be resolved? Will it be resolved?
What did Jensen leave out that you're dying to know?
I still really want to know about the Hurley Bird (That random bird that shouted 'Hurley' in the first two seasons)
And who that creepy Matthew dude is...
I wonder if there isn't more to know about that "magic box." There has to be something behind the fact that both Anthony Cooper and Juliet Burke were brought to the Island while unconscious. I think Ben lied when he told Locke the Orchid Station's time portal wasn't the so-called magic box. I think he and a select few of the Others used the portal to travel to and from the Island. But Ben had to wreck the portal in order to get to the Frozen Donkey Wheel and move the Island. And now -- because the Island has shifted in time and space -- he has to locate the Island again before he can bring the Oceanic 6 back there. I'll be very interested to see if the "magic box" makes a reappearance -- and after seeing the Dharma crew working on the Orchid portal's location in last week's flashback scenes with Dr. Pierre Chang, I think we will find out a lot more, either this season or next.
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