Well, you can relax for a week. Tonight at 8 p.m. (CDT), all you get is "Lost: The Story of the Oceanic Six," which in no way makes up for the lack of a new episode. But we'll let it pass, on the grounds that Team Darlton's hard at work on editing the two-hour finale (comprising the 16th and 17th hour-long episodes of Season 5).
Tonight's "Story of the Oceanic Six" is basically a recap of this season and major events leading up to it. But you never know; maybe the producers will drop in a new nugget of tantalizing info, here and there. I always DVR these clip shows and end up watching them just because, well, any Lost is better than no Lost.
Now.... beware... SPOILERS AHEAD!!
DO NOT scroll down unless you want to know more about the last few episodes of Season 5, such as their titles and what their plots supposedly address.
Are you sure you want to know more about the episodes?
OK, for those who really do want to know:

April 29th: "The Variable," in which, ABC says: "Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of the Others, and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the Dharma Initiative." But for fans of Jeremy Davies, the big news is that we finally get a Daniel Faraday-centric episode, and he supposedly will tell what he knows about the Island and the Dharma Initiative. This one also is Lost's 100th episode, btw.

And on May 13: "The Incident," the Season 5 two-hour finale, which (speculation goes) will show us the heretofore enigmatic "incident" that Pierre Chang referred to in the Swan station's Orientation video -- the presumed disaster that resulted in someone having to enter the Numbers and push that button every 108 minutes. Will our Lostaways try to prevent "the incident" from happening? Will they inadvertently cause it to happen?
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