What happened to Rose and Bernard when Ben and then Locke turned the frozen donkey wheel?
Are they alive? Are they dead?
Did they end up in another time?
Are they the Adam and Eve the Losties find early in the series?
Are they living in Dharmaville unseen to us so far?
Post your rank speculation in comments!
Although I do like the idea that Rose and Bernard are the Adam and Eve, I really hope they are still alive.
I read that the guy who plays Bernard is doing a play in LA. Wonder if that prevented the show from showing Rose and Bernard or if they weren't written into the show, so he is doing the play.
I love how many people love Rose and Bernard. It's kind of like how people who watch 24 love Aaron, the Secret Service agent.
I've thought for a long time that Rose and Bernard will end up being "Adam and Eve." Why didn't they meet up with James, Juliet, Miles, Daniel and Jin after they timeflashed to 1974? I can only guess that maybe they (and a few of the redshirts) ended up being captured by the Others. The show runners do say we will find out what happens to them, though.
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