What do you think?
I'm reminding of what Jacob saying that it only ends once and everything else is just progress.
What progress do you think Lost is making toward resolving story lines before it all ends?
By the way, if you hadn't heard, the final episode will be called "The End."
DESMOND!!!! I loved that ending. Nice surprise. The episode itself was so-so and didn't do a whole lot for me. But the previews for next week got me excited again. Looks like there will be a big showdown in the end and Desmond will be sacrificed for the good of the island. I don't want him to die in the end!
Stella, I'm hoping Desmond doesn't get sacrificed. I'm thinking that what we heard in the preview was Widmore telling him (and maybe Penny too) that they have to make this sacrifice and let him take Des back to the Island, because his presence there will be vitally important somehow in the war with MiB.
Since Pen and Des would doubtless refuse to do that, it looks like Charles kidnapped and drugged Desmond. That's not going to endear Dad to Penny -- he can probably say farewell to any dreams of future Christmas dinners with Charlie, the little grandson that Grandpa probably hoped was named after him.
BTW, wasn't it kinda sweet that Widmore brought Sun's camera to Jin, so he could see the pictures of Ji Yeon? Wonder why Widmore had only Jin snatched, though, and not the other candidates?
Did you notice UnLocke intimating to Claire that, once he got the candidates together and got off the Island, she could do whatever she wanted to Kate? I knew that tearful apology of hers was too good to be true.
Nice to see Richard regain his purpose. And now I think we'll see the Island story really get rolling again...it's wartime, and we're in the second half of the season, so no time to waste.
Do you think the reason that Widmore wanted to get Locke and the Oceanic Six candidates back to the Island was because he knew somehow that Jacob needed them there? Has he always been on Jacob's side? He and MiB are not friends, for sure. Even though Widmore seems never to have met Smokey in human form before now, he knows who and what UnLocke is. And Smokey knew that Widmore is not his ally, so it appears that he knows Widmore was indeed Jacob's man.
We learned something interesting right at the beginning of the episode: UnLocke needs all six candidates to get off the island. Interesting. And, wasn't Kate's name on the lighthouse? So, did UnLocke lie to Claire (shocking, huh?)about Kate not being a candidate. Also, wasn't Claire and candidate at one time.
There were some great one-liners tonight. Ben: "Oh, for the fourth time, I was gathering mangoes and she was already unconscious when I found her." And Hurley, after Sun, got royally pissed but was only speaking Korean: (something to the effect of) "I don't think she wants to come."
Nice scenes between Jack and Sun. And, btw, was Jack not being all realLocke by being the Man of Faith in that scenes.
I have to wonder if somehow, it's all going to come down to UnLocke vs. Jack since that has been a push and pull relationship throughout the series. Although obviously with real Locke.
The Sun and Jin scenes were sweet in Sideways World (except for the whole Sun getting shot part). Glad to see he told her to button up on the plane because he's so overly concerned with their relationship being found out and not because he's an ass to her like when we first met them.
Good to see Mikhail show up.Did you notice he got shot in the eye?
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