ABC's official summary of tonight's Lost episode: "Desmond wakes up to discover he's back on the Island."
And as Tweeted last week by showrunner (and co-scriptwriter, with Carlton Cuse, of tonight's ep) Damon Lindelof: "In one week, the conversation is going to change."
And as Tweeted last week by showrunner (and co-scriptwriter, with Carlton Cuse, of tonight's ep) Damon Lindelof: "In one week, the conversation is going to change."
Taken all together, this means we can probably expect some real revelations from tonight's installation of Lost.
That title, for instance. Last week, in "The Package," we heard the phrase "happily ever after" from the sarcastic lips of killer-for-hire Martin Keamy, taunting poor English-less Jin as he was being duct-taped up in that walk-in fridge.
It appears that Des was drugged, put on a submarine and brought to the Island against his will by his formidable father-in-law, Charles Widmore. Obviously, as Eloise Hawking told Des at the Lamp Post station in LA, the Island is not yet done with him. Tonight's ep does not bode well for Desmond's "happily ever after" with his little family.
Widmore's apparently willing to sacrifice his already-rocky relationship with daughter Penny (and by extension, grandson Charlie) if it means saving the Island, and the world at large, from MiB. What's more, he expects Des to sacrifice too -- not just for his Lostie friends this time, but for the sake of Penny and Charlie's very existence. At least, that's what Widmore implied last week when he spoke to Jin about how Sun and their little Ji-Yeon would "cease to be" if MiB escaped from the Island.
Tonight, I hope we'll get at least some hints about how the alt-reality is connected to what is happening on the Island, and to the war that has now begun in earnest.
It will be fascinating to see what's happening in Desmond's alt-reality. Is he still married, and if so, is his wife still Penny? Does he still have psychic powers? Does he cross between realities, as he did in "The Constant" and "Flashes Before Your Eyes"?
Check back here as soon as the show ends to discuss "Happily Ever After" in the comments!
I wonder if since Penny is Desmond's constant, does that mean she'll have to be in his life is the sideways reality, too?
Wow! What an episode. THE BEST THIS SEASON. I'm so happy Desmond is back. It was nice to see Charlie and Daniel again. Soo many things to discuss about tonight but where to start?
My favorite moment: when Desmond meets Penny at the stadium. I'm sucker for moments like that. These two are great together!
I also loved how it was Charlie who had to tell Desmond about life and love whereas on the island (how many seasons ago?) it was Desmond who had to talk to Charlie about the mysteries of life. Am I remembering that correctly? Not the same conversation, I know, but an interesting parallel none the less.
I really need to rewatch tonight's episode. So I'll post more thoughts later...
Don't have time to write much, but....WOW. Great episode. Desmond eps are always pretty wonderful, and this one was no exception.
I've been thinking for a while now that Charles Widmore is not as big of a bad guy as we have always been led to believe by Ben et al. He's no saint, but if the Others are "the good guys" as Ben has always claimed, then Charles is as good as most of them are -- or no worse, anyway.
Sounded from the guest list as if Penny has a different surname. Was she married before? And I could have sworn that Desmond wore a ring on his left hand in "LA X." Am I wrong?
Mike Granberry pointed out to me that Des and Pen's meeting at the stadium was modeled after the closing scenes of "Heaven Can Wait"!
And did anyone notice the shout-out to John Updike? The white lab rabbit's name was "Angstrom" -- and the name of Updike's hero in "Rabbit, Run" was Rabbit Angstrom!
Desmond. Sigh.
Penny. Sigh.
Desmond and Penny. Sigh.
Like you guys, I loved this episode.
It seems to me that like before, Desmond can flash back and forth and remember what happened. In a previous episode, it was between the past and present. This time it seems like it's between the Island and Sideways world.
Can't wait til Desmond gets his hands on that manifest!
Am I remembering correctly that in the nonSideways world, Desmond an Jack met in that same stadium. And that Jacks asks Desmond if they've met and Desmond says something to the effect of "in another life."
I have to wonder if they keep setting off the bomb and then trying to undo it. Is it all Battlestar Galactica? All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.
In the original timeline, Jack and Desmond met at the stadium where they were each running a tour de stade. Penny showed up just as Desmond was ready to run, and he explained: "I have to get my honor back." Des was training for his round-the-world sailing race; Jack was working out his demons after having operated on Sarah, because he was certain he had not "fixed" her. Jack stumbled, hurt his ankle and Des stopped to assist. They conversed and introduced themselves, and when Des left, he said: "See you in another life, yeah?"
In "LA X," on the plane, Jack asked Desmond if they had met before. He didn't get any flashes per se, but he definitely had that deja-vu feeling of familiarity. Which makes sense in a way, because they HAD met before -- not on the island, but at the stadium in the original timeline, three years before. But -- in the alternate reality, it's probable that they never met there at the stadium, since Desmond's previous life would've been quite different, and so was Jack's.
Mrs. Hawking is Widmore's wife??? And she apparently knows Desmond's wife -- or things in general -- are out of wack.
Based on Desmond's conversation with Daniel outside the party venue, Penny "Martin" is Daniel's half-sister and Daniel is Widmore's son. Was he Widmore's son before? Was he Mrs. Hawking's son? I have trouble remember all these details.
I like Daniel's explanation about him being a musician but having written physics in his journal, with him saying he'd already set off a bomb. I think Jen's right that they are setting it off over and over, trying to get it right.
I like the parallel, too, of Des meeting Penny at the stadium where Des had met Jack under the same circumstances, and also Des meeting Jack in the hospital this time.
Why does Des want the manifest?
Can't believe there are only 5 more episodes to go. Since we've all been watching as a group since the beginning, I feel like we are part of the story and it's ending for us as well.
Who's planning the finale party? I'm game!
I meant to say Hawking know's Desmond's "life" is out of wack.
Kristine: I wonder if Desmond wants the manifest to see if the others have had or could have the Aha! moments that he and Charlie had about love. I also wonder if he's going to go back to the hospital to see Jack after the coffee date with Penny.
Oh, and yes, Daniel was the son of Hawking and Widmore in the Island storyline. Penny was Widmore's daughter but did we ever know who her mother was?
Jen, we have never seen Penny's mother, nor have we even heard her name spoken. All we know -- acording to Ben when he banished Charles -- is that Widmore began going off-Island frequently, and he then had a daughter with another woman whom he met off-Island. We don't know what happened to that woman, though. I don't even remember Penny ever mentioning her mother.
Something else I noticed upon rewatching this episode is what Zoe says to Des after the experiment ends. Just before Sayid takes down their guards, Zoe jokes: "That thing fried your brain." "Did it?" Des replies with a smile. "Whatever," Zoe says. "Doesn't change that you're gonna --" And then Sayid jumps out and does his zombie ninja thing.
So...what was Zoe about to say? "That you're gonna risk your life"?
I wonder if Desmond wants the manifest to see if the others have had or could have the Aha! moments that he and Charlie had about love.
Genting Princess
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