Tonight's episode of Lost, "Everybody Loves Hugo," is obviously going to be Hurley-centric. There is a lot of fan speculation that we'll see Hugo's long-lost Island love, Libby (played by Cynthia Watros), returned to life and meeting up with alt-Hugo in Sideways World.
This episode promises to be reminiscent of the Season 2 ep, "Everybody Hates Hugo." In the flashbacks, Hurley uses The Numbers and wins the lottery, quits his job at Mr. Cluck's, and soon becomes convinced he is cursed because with his new money, everything in his life changes for the worse. On the Island, Hugo is given the job of supervising the food and supplies from the Hatch, and he worries that everyone will resent him for the decisions he has to make. In that same episode, we also are introduced to Libby, one of the Tailies who captured Sawyer, Jin and Michael after they lost Walt to the Others and were shipwrecked from the raft at the end of Season 1.
In Sideways World, we have seen alt-Hugo describing himself as the the luckiest guy in the world. In other glimpses we have seen him as a conscientious and kindly boss, though one with a more corporate persona than Original Recipe Hugo.
While things would seem better overall for alt-Hugo, it's likely that not everything will be perfect, just as nothing is perfect for any of our LA-X Losties. It will be interesting to see if he has any flashes of his Island life, and if he interacts in Sideways World with any more of his fellow 815ers.
Come back after the show ends and discuss "Everybody Loves Hugo" in the comments!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Who is the Matt Damon look alike kid?? why does Desmond always have the scar on his forehead? is that from the fight on the boat with ben or from being kidnapped? This might seem obvious but why does he feel the need to run locke over? I guess he doesn't realize that locke isn't locke on the island.
And is it me, or did you guys think that Hurley was going to lead Jack, Sun and the pilot to talk with dead Locke?
Anyone out there?
Yeah, I'm confused about why Des ran Locke over. I was reading in the LOST forums tonight that maybe Des wants to get everybody together at the hospital in LA. Some of the Losties are there such as Claire, Jack and maybe Charlie. I also read that maybe this will be Jack's opportunity to operate on Locke in light of the conversation they had at the airport at the beginning of the season. Tonight's scene with Des and Locke was so unexpected! I was thinking, "Wait!! Des, what are you doing????" Craziness!! And I didn't even realize that Iliana (sp?) died at the beginning of the show. I was wondering what the heck happened. It took me a few minutes to realize she was gone. I was clueless
Well... RIP Ilana. I really didn't think they'd kill her off that fast, although I know there are supposed to be lots of deaths coming in these last weeks. However, the careless way she was handling that satchel full of dynamite made me wonder if she wasn't about to pull an Arzt -- and then boom, she did!
So...why did alt-Des run over alt-Locke? He knows something about LA-X Locke that we don't, I guess. Or maybe he just remembered that UnLocke tossed him into that well?
Well, now all but one of the candidates -- plus Frank the pilot -- are at Camp Smokey, which it would seem is just what UnLocke wants, so he can get rid of them all. Of course, the one candidate who isn't there is Jin! Poor Sun.
And UnLocke's got Desmond -- aka Charles Widmore's secret weapon -- at the bottom of a well. According to next week's previews, it looks like Sayid will be sent there, armed with a gun, to make sure Des doesn't make it out. Uh-oh. We may not know exactly what Widmore wanted Desmond to do, but it seems UnLocke had a pretty good idea.
For one thing, Desmond may indeed be a candidate, because like Sawyer, he saw the boy in the jungle. Not the blond boy we saw before, the one who looked like young Jacob -- this kid was darker, and more mischievous-looking. A young Man in Black? I'd just about bet on it.
It was kinda sweet to see alt-Hugo and alt-Libby finally get to have their picnic date on the beach. And Hugo finally got his flashes of Island memory when they connected! It was also great to see Miles' dad, Pierre Chang making his cameo as emcee of the museum awards dinner where Hugo was honored.
How about Hurley blowing up the Black Rock and its stash of dynamite? Didn't see that coming. And what about Miles and Ben going off with Richard? Once again, our little band has split up over a question of leadership. It was also intresting to see Jack admit to Hugo that maybe he's supposed to let go of his leadership role. The fact that Jack mentioned Juliet in such a regretful way made me think that maybe, just maybe, we will see her soon in Sideways World, as Jack's ex-wife and David's mother.
Tonight's was the last character-centric flash-sideways that I think we will see on LOST. There are only four more eps before the two-hour finale on Sunday, May 23.
There's still a lot to wrap up... but things are moving quickly now, and I think that, thanks to alt-Desmond, the LA-X world will soon be colliding with the Island reality.
Hi Joyce,
More questions, some of which weren't addressed: See I thot that kid was Jacob, bc of that smile, it was identical to the one given by Mark Pellegrino (Jacob) on many occasions) Is Desmond being a constant right now, bc he's had the same scar for about two seasons.
I think Des ran over Locke, remembering that he pushed him into the well, but not knowing that Locke was MIB. But I like that theory that he's trying to get everyone in the hospital, but as far as I can tell, only claire is there... didn't des bump into her?
I'm sorry Joyce, but I don't understand something you wrote
So...why did alt-Des run over alt-Locke? He knows something about LA-X Locke that we don't,
This might be missing something, but aren't alt-Locke and LA-X Locke the same? The alt universe takes place when Oceanic 815 lands at LAX, right? But I think I'm missing something here if yr using these two phrases bc you are more Lost entrenched than I... thank you!
Also, wondering what Hugo found in the bag.. I thought it was something that reminded him of Libby, but I guess it was related to the explosion, right?
Also, I don't know what to think about Michael's comments about not blowing up the plane, that bothered me. Like why Hugo didn't question and took it as his agenda after a two-and-a-half minute conversation? He bonds with Richard's wife, experiences Smokey, Richard's wife says he's evil aqnd the man who killed his love makes an appearance to tell him to do the opposite and he completely submits? Something out of character there and unless the writers could have given us more context about it.
I would have been with Miles and Richard. It was obvious he was lying.
And going back to Jin Sun, isn't one of them a candidate, not both. the wall says Kwon. I think it's Jin bc that's his last name, not hers, she married into it.
Thanks for letting me drone about my show... I can't believe that was the last alt flash, is the whole delving into a character thing gone as well?
Hi Regina:
Yes, sorry for any confusion I caused -- alt-Locke and "LA-X Locke" are the same person, as far as we know. I'm just wondering if perhaps alt-Locke -- whom we have been presuming is "our" John Locke, the good guy -- isn't in fact possessed by or connected mentally somehow to Smokey, and that alt-Desmond now knows that. And maybe that's why he hit alt-Locke with his car? It seems like an extreme thing to hit the guy in a wheelchair hoping that he'll just end up in the right hospital with Dr. Jack et al. from Oceanic 815. Seems more like you would be hoping that guy would die, and you'd need a pretty good reason for carrying out that mission. Like trying to kill some vestige of Smokey in the alt-timeline.
The pouch that Hugo found in Ilana's belongings? It contains Jacob's ashes, which Ilana gathered from the firepit inside the pedestal of the statue after Jacob died. Must be some kind of super-special Jacob mojo in those ashes, I am thinking.
I'm still convinced that the kid Desmond and UnLocke saw in the jungle is not the same kid we saw before, and also is not meant to be an older version of that previous kid. Many LOST bloggers seem to believe, as I do, that he's a young MiB. We'll find out for sure within a couple of weeks, I bet.
I am guessing that the dead people Hugo is seeing really are the spirits of people, and not a manifestation of MiB, who apparently now is "trapped" in Locke's form and cannot shape-shift into the appearance of any more Island corpses. And what Michael told Hugo is not necessarily the opposite of what Isabella told him. They have to destroy MiB and keep him from leaving the Island, but blowing up the Ajira plane was not the way to do it... it was too dangerous and too many people would get killed, as Ilana's death showed us.
Yeah, it was obvious to me that Hurley was fibbing about seeing Jacob, but I don't think Richard, Ben and Miles are necessarily on the right track either. I think it's telling that all of the candidates (or possible candidates that we know of) are now with Hugo. While Frank's name never showed up on the candidate lists with numbers, there must be a reason that he keeps returning to the Island: He was supposed to have been there in the first place. So perhaps the Island is not done with Frank yet, either. (Or maybe the writers just need him to fly the Ajira plane?)
PS to Regina: Hmmm... Now I am having second thoughts about the kid in the jungle. I checked cast credits, and it appears that this "Teenage Boy" is played by Kenton Duty, the young actor who also played the other, blonder kid in the jungle in "The Substitute." But truly, he looked so different, his hair especially so much darker, that I was sure he was a different actor. Yet he's not. Is it continuity error. different lighting, or intentional that the same actor looked so different to so many of us?
I wonder if that kid is the MIB when he was little. I think his childhood and his mother haunts him. Perhaps, it's a reminder or who he once was. And, who knows if the MIB body was even his original body.
I think Desmond knows what is happening in both worlds and he ran over Locke because he thinks it was Locke who pushed him down the well. He doesn't know that it's the Locke Ness Monster.
I found it interesting that Island Desmond has such a childlike acceptance and trust about him. Is it an act or is he that willing to accept whatever happens.
What did you think about the look exchanged between Locke Ness and Jack at the end. It was like all the battles between the real Locke and Jack were being remembered but with something extra.
With Jack's willingness to sometimes follow now, is he actually becoming the leader he wanted to be and the Losties needed him to be?
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