Yeah, the Doc had heard about the MiB taking on the resurrected appearance of Locke, but this was the first time Jack had actually seen his old frenemy's form as inhabited by Smokey. Jack having been the one who saw the real Locke in his coffin, and Jack having been the one who put his dead dad Christian's shoes on dead Locke's feet prior to loading the coffin on Ajira 316 (doing so under instructions from Eloise Hawking, and what was that all about, anyway?) -- well, it's understandable that the Doc would be having a mental moment where his Man of Science past is (as the Bible would say) "wrestling Jacob" in his Man of Faith present.
So (except for Richard, Miles and Ben, who are off on their own personal mission to kill Smokey) we've got our Losties more or less reunited now. Except, of course, for Sun, whose husband is once again the missing piece of the reunion puzzle; the kidnapped Jin is still at Camp Widmore over on Hydra Island. But since that is where UnLocke's crew apparently is bound for the next and possibly final skirmish, there is a good chance that Sun and Jin will reunite at some point soon. Maybe even tonight.
Or not. These Lost writers can be a cruel bunch, after all. Witness Desmond, who was kidnapped from his Long Beach hospital bed, drugged, transported back to the last place he wanted to go, tied up, subjected to a massive electromagnetic event in the name of saving the world (again), and now has been kidnapped once more by Sayid -- and thrown into a well by UnLocke. Poor Des! As Original Recipe Locke once told little Walt: "You're not having a good month."
I predict we won't will see any more character-centric flashes into the Sideways World during these last few episodes of Lost. Instead, I think we'll start to see many of our alt-Losties gathering, for one reason or another, at St. Sebastian's in LA-X. Alt-Desmond is giving little psychic pushes to them, as he did to Hugo -- or as in the case of alt-Locke, Des is giving him a great big smack with a Honda. Coincidentally, alt-Jin should be showing up at the ER with a wounded, pregnant Sun. It's about time for alt-James to make a reappearance with alt-Kate (our favorite fleeing felon and freckled femme fatale!) in police custody, too.
But when will we see alt-Juliet? According to ABC, Elizabeth Mitchell isn't listed among tonight's guest stars. Yet I can't help thinking that we'll see alt-Juliet as a doctor at St. Sebastian's (and, I'm betting, as Jack's ex-wife and David's mother), at some point soon. Surely she and alt-James will need to meet up, let the sparks fly, and plan that destiny-fated coffee date?
Remember that, as in recent weeks, Lost will run a couple of minutes long tonight and will be followed by Elizabeth Mitchell's new series, V.
And remember that next week -- for the only time in this final season -- we will not get a new episode of Lost. Instead, we'll get a repeat of the stellar episode "Ab Aeterno," revealing the backstory of that mysterious, ageless Island consigliere, Richard Alpert.
Come back to Losties Island tonight after the show ends, and comment on "The Last Recruit"!
Hey, Jin and Sun, together again at last! Awwwwww... sweet. (Even if a tiny bit anticlimactic.)
This time it was Jack's turn to jump ship and swim back to shore. Guess he's now "the last recruit," although I don't seriously think the Doc is on Smokey's side. Especially now that he knows Smokey was impersonating his dad, Christian, on the Island from the very first. Another big question answered!
(But then, the Christian that Jack saw at St. Sebastian's, like Hugo's visitations by Charlie and Ana Lucia in LA, would seem to be real ghosts. Since Smokey can't get off-Island, he would not have been impersonating those folks. Though maybe Jacob sent them?)
Meanwhile, I think Desmond somehow got to Sayid. No matter what he told UnLocke, I don't believe Sayid shot and killed our uniquely special Scotsman. So maybe you can come back from the Dark Side. "Like Anakin!" as Hugo says. (Obviously James is not a big fan of "Star Wars.")
Zoe says "the deal's off" for Sawyer & Co. to hitch a ride on Widmore's sub, which means James will now be ready to hijack it if necessary. Which it sounds like he was planning to do, anyhow.
Welcoming Feral Claire aboard the Elizabeth may or may not turn out to be the brightest thing Kate has ever done.
We didn't see Richard, Ben and Miles this week, but whenever they arrive in New Otherton, I have a feeling they will be surprised to find it is now in fact an abandoned Dharmaville. Which would seem to mean that with "The Incident," something happened to change the Island timeline, too.
Meanwhile in LA-X, alt-Desmond gives a little push and walks alt-Claire right into the office of his lawyer, who turns out to be...alt-Ilana! She is the Shephard family lawyer as well, so she's very happy to see Claire and introduces her to her half-brother, alt-Jack, and to Jack's son, David. We still don't know who Jack's ex/David's mom is, but I'll betcha a can of Dharma beer that she is alt-Juliet.
Meanwhile, alt-Sun and her baby are OK, and Sun's begun having Island memories, because she has recognized her fellow hospital patient, alt-Locke. Who is about to be operated on by Dr. Jack, of course.
Alt-James has hauled alt-Kate (who says she's innocent of murder charges) into the copshop to await the federales, but they still don't seem to recognize each other. And alt-Sayid has been nabbed by LAPD's crack crimefighting duo of Ford & Straume.
Only three more episodes before the series finale! And that's making me kinda crazy. Because I think that characters I love are gonna bite the dust before this is all over. LOST, you're going to break my heart, aren't you?
Poor Jin and Sun. Reunited and then held at gun point. I wasn't expected the reunion then, which made it great. I teared up.
I agree with you, Joyce. Jack is not on Smokey's side. He wants to stay on the island because Smokey wants them to leave.
I really thought some of those on the Elizabeth might jump with Jack. Sun and Hurley to be exact. But they were down below. Good thing Sun didn't, so she could be reunited with Jin.
Sayid did definitely not kill Desmond. Sayid may not feel anything as he said. But, he does feel something for Nadia. The only way for Desmond to save himself was to handle the situation exactly as he did.
No sighting of the boy in the jungle that not everyone can see. There's speculation that it's Jacob, Aaron growing up, or Locke somehow. What do you think?
Did Desmond run over Locke because he's Smokey or is it some weird way of reuniting the passengers or both?
I was fascinated by the comment that maybe Smokey not only wants to get off the island but is also afraid of what happens if the Losties stay there.
Does that mean that they have the ability to destroy him for good? Is he even destroyable or is he just containable (thankfully, a term we don't hear much at work anymore).
I keep waiting to hear about the implications of Smokey's escape. The wording the writers have used has been very specific. "Everyone you love will be gone" or something to that effect. It makes it sound very apocalyptic. End of the world? End of the universe?
Maybe Smokie would do what conspiracy theorist fear from the Large Hadron Collider.
I'm curious about Desmond. He obviously understands both parallel worlds. But how does he now how to make these connections? Sidways Desmond seems to know everything that has already happened in the Losties world but also know what is going to happen in the Sideways World. Reminds me a little of Groundhog Day.
Does anyone have any thoughts about Sideways Jack recognizing Sideways Locke in a mirror just before he operated?
Does it play into the fact that Island Jack is becoming the Man of Faith?
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