UPDATE: Part one of Doc Jensen's recap
here. Part two comes tomorrow.
Doc Jensen asks a question in the recap about what's more important: the journey or the destination.
I think that in life and in the show, it's how you got there that's most important. Without the doing, where you end up really doesn't matter. As Jack told Desmond, there is no easy path, no easy way out. If you cheat, you miss the point. You miss making connections that proved so important in that final scene the the church.
Original post:
Can't wait to hear (OK, read) your thoughts.
I think I need to sleep on it.
Did you love it? Like it? Hate it? Think it was OK?
Were all the questions you wanted answered, answered?
Although, I'm still digesting it all, as far as series finales go, it was up there with M*A*S*H and Six Feet Under. Agree? Disagree?
Apparently, the ending had been the way they wanted to end the show since way back in season one. At first I thought this was the church. But now I actually think it was Jack dying on the island and the show closing on his eye.
Here is Doc Jensen's instant reaction. Will post the full wrap up tomorrow when he does.