Tonight's Lost is supposed to be heavy into the mythology of the Island.
We'll see Jacob, Man In Black 1.0 (or at least in the first version we saw him as) and guest star Allison Janney (CJ on The West Wing). I'm not sure what role she'll be playing. But I wonder how she ties into the past of Jacob, MIB 1.0 and the Island.
There will be very little of the main cast in tonight's show. Originally, it was reported that none of the series regulars would be seen in tonight's episode. But apparently, that's not quite true.
Also, supposedly there is a flashback seen to something we saw in an earlier season that will show us that JJ, Carlton and Damon knew what they were doing all along.
Don't forget to come back here after the show to chat about what we see and what we think could be coming up.
The episode was written by Carlton and Damon and directed by Tucker Gates.
Can't wait? Here are two sneak peaks of tonight's show:
Well, we're starting the party rather late. Does that mean none of us were terribly thrilled with "Across the Sea"?
I liked but didn't love the episode. There was still not enough explication for me. STILL no name for the Man in Black! (Or for his nutty adoptive mom, for that matter.) I wanted something more like "Ab Aeterno," and I was... disappointed.
Still, there were some redeeming moments there. I was correct in my guess that Jacob and his enemy were in fact faternal twin brothers (like Jacob and Esau in the Bible).
Was anyone blown away by the ep? Or are you all feeling a little bit let down this morning?
PS: Oops, make that "fraternal"...
My husband and I listed this in our Top 5 episodes of Lost. For me, it was a very satisfying episode that answered questions that I had.
We discussed if the island or the light is "Purgatory" and if the main characters are lost souls that are stuck there.
The producers have always said that the Island is NOT Purgatory. Yet with Michael's ghost appearing to Hugo and saying that the Whispers are the voices of those who are "stuck on the Island" and "can't move on," it would seem as if the Ialand is a form of limbo, at least for those unfortunate beings.
I enjoyed the episode but it didn't come close to "Ab Aeterno" for me.
I did find the interaction between Jacob, the MIB and their "mother" interesting. I think the episode explained a lot of Smokey's rage. I would have liked more explanation about "the light" and why it caused the MIB to become Smokey.
For all intents and purposes, Jacob killed his brother by letting the water take him to the light. I'm torn about whether Jacob's actions were justified. MIB did kill their faux mother. But she seemed to be a bit of a sociopath. I'm curious how the mother filled up the well and killed all those people. Was she a smoke monster, too? It seems that the MIB comes by his rage honestly.
What do you guys think of the fact that we never learned MIB's name? His bio mother said that she only thought of one name after he was born. Obviously if faux mother hadn't beaten her head in with a rock, she would have named her second son.
Do you think that Jacob was right, that their faux mother wanted the MIB to be her replacement? I also wonder how faux mother because the island guardian in the first place.
I wonder what it means that the MIB can see dead people like Hurley. Although some of the Losties have seen what we now know to be the young Jacob when he was watching UnLocke.
I may have more thoughts later. I need to think about the episode more.
I'm curious to see what Doc Jensen at EW has to say about the episode. His review/insights should be posted later today.
Joyce, I'm with you, I wasn't blown away by this episode. But I did think it redeemed itself at the end when they flashed to Jack, Kate and Locke. That was pretty cool and for a minute, I thought maybe we were seeing something that hadn't aired before.
While this episode answered some questions, it just raised more about what the heck this light is. Kevin compared it to the fountain of youth. But like Jen pointed out, I, too, wasn't convinced that Jacob was justified in killing his brother. And I'm not convinced that faux mother was justified in killing the real mom or all of those people.
I guess I wanted more clarity on good versus evil. I'm still not sure that Jacob is completely good. I mean, I get that they want to protect the island and its mysterious powers, but is killing the answer?
That's an interesting theory, Jen, about maybe faux mom possibly being smokey before her son.
I'm still very excited for the next couple of episodes. I can't believe it's almost over. I'm so sad about that!
Stella, when you said that you want to know more about good vs. evil, it made me wonder if perhaps neither Jacob or the MIB is all evil or all good. Certainly, the MIB seems to be more toward the dark and Jacob is more toward the light, though.
Kind of like how the dark and the light is in us all. We're not all good or all bad either. Although, most of us swing one way or the other.
I'm wondering if in context of the whole season or the whole series, this episode will stand up better. I wasn't really disappointed by it, but it did seem to move slowly.
Stella, when you said that you want to know more about good vs. evil, it made me wonder if perhaps neither Jacob or the MIB is all evil or all good. Certainly, the MIB seems to be more toward the dark and Jacob is more toward the light, though.
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