UPDATE: Part one of Doc Jensen's recap
here. Part two comes tomorrow.
Doc Jensen asks a question in the recap about what's more important: the journey or the destination.
I think that in life and in the show, it's how you got there that's most important. Without the doing, where you end up really doesn't matter. As Jack told Desmond, there is no easy path, no easy way out. If you cheat, you miss the point. You miss making connections that proved so important in that final scene the the church.
Original post:
Can't wait to hear (OK, read) your thoughts.
I think I need to sleep on it.
Did you love it? Like it? Hate it? Think it was OK?
Were all the questions you wanted answered, answered?
Although, I'm still digesting it all, as far as series finales go, it was up there with M*A*S*H and Six Feet Under. Agree? Disagree?
Apparently, the ending had been the way they wanted to end the show since way back in season one. At first I thought this was the church. But now I actually think it was Jack dying on the island and the show closing on his eye.
Here is Doc Jensen's instant reaction. Will post the full wrap up tomorrow when he does.
I'm in the "need to think about this" camp.
My instant reaction as they all started gathering in the church was, "Oh no. This can't be how it ends." But as I watched Jack stumbling through the woods, blood dripping around him, it all came together. I realized that there was no other way LOST could have ended. I think a lot of people got wrapped up in the mythology and the questions, but, in doing so, they forgot the reason that we were all drawn to LOST in the first place: the characters. I think I can speak for all fans on this. We loved these people.
I remember watching the first episode nearly six years ago. It was two weeks before I got married, and my husband and I were curious about this strange show about a plane crash. After the pilot, we were hooked. Ultimately, what kept us coming back season after season, year after year, was not the "where are we?" question, but the "who are we?" question.
In the end, the people in our lives are what matter most.
Very well put, Tasha. I feel the same way. In the end, the mythology of the island didn't matter as much as how these characters connected with each other and helped one another. We all felt connected to them and it makes me very sad to know that we won't be seeing them again.
That last scene with Jack stumbling toward his death was so moving as was seeing everyone reunite. It was both sad and hopeful. I know I'll get choked up again when I rewatch it. Heck, I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it.
I'm still gathering my thoughts about this, but I like it more and more as I think about it.
I'll drop some comments in later. But first, this video below is a must watch: The Onion plus Lindelof and Cuse=Brilliance
Just read on DarkUFO this morning that the working title for the show was, "Circle," before the ABC execs decided on LOST. But Circle also explains the structure of the show in some ways. Everything did come full circle. I'm not surprised about the last shot that showed Jack closing his eyes. Over the years, people wondered if his eye would be featured in the end.
As sad as the last shot was, it was also beautiful and hopeful. I loved how Vincent was there, so Jack wouldn't die alone.
I wonder, though, if this last season was from Jack's point of view. Was this the way he envisioned a near perfect world for all his island friends? I know there is a good point on how this was a world the Losties created so they could find each other before they move onto Heaven or wherever they go. But was it from Jack's POV for the most part before he met up with the Losties in the end?
Also, I'm fine with how the writers didn't answer every question. After all, as others have pointed out, this was a character-driven show. Kevin said it best in his FB post last night. The island was the MacGuffin.
Like Jennifer said last night, there are so many questions we all have about life that don't get answered. I think Jennifer said something like that. It's true. I have so many questions about this wonderful planet that we live on that I'm sure will never be answered!
Ugh, I'm a blubbering mess again! I started crying as I read a finale analysis on DarkUFO. Tears started streaming down my face as I read about Jack's character arc. Poor Jack. He always had a hard time letting go. And it looks like I'll have a hard time letting go of this show. There needs to be therapy for losties.
The more I think about the show, the more I like it. I woke up several times during the night and started thinking about the show. (Maybe I was dreaming about it? I few weeks a go, I did dream I was in the show Fringe)
As for the end, it really makes sense. These characters all sought redemption for six seasons and in The End, those who entered the church, found it. What more do we want in life than to know that after we die, there's something else. And that the people you love in this life will be there in whatever life comes next. As Kate told Jack before she and Sawyer jumped off the cliff: Tell me I'll see you again. She did. But not in the way she meant it in the moment.
Jack was, in The End, a Christ-like figure. He died so others could live. I'm glad he didn't die by turning the magic back on. He died from a wound that would kill any mortal. Apparently, the place where he was stabbed is the same place Christ as speared when he was on the cross.
As for meeting at the church, Christian said that is was a place they all created so they could be together. This (as I mentioned last night) reminds me of the book The Lovely Bones. The lead character, a young girl, dies and goes to heaven. In the book, heaven is whatever you imagine it to be. Only when your version of heaven overlaps with someone else's version, do you see another person. The church is the overlap.
One thought I have about those who died on the island: By the time they died, they made peace with their lives. Charlie, Sayid, Shannon, Boone, Sun, Jin and so on. The same really isn't true for Locke, who died off-island. But in other ways it was. He was ready to kill himself but he saw reason because of Ben. Of course, Ben then killed him.
I thought most of the Island Enlightenments were earned. Certainly Sun and Jin's moment and Sawyer and Juliet's moment, and Jack, and Kate, Claire and Charlie. Sayid and Shannon's moment was a little lacking. I was very moved by them. Except for the latter. But I think it happened to fast for Shannon and Sayid.
I really like that Kate's moment was caused by delivering Aaron and not Jack or Sawyer. Because although the love triangle has been central to the show, Kate's journey was about much more than a guy.
I am satisfied by the ending. I feel that major questions were revealed.
Two things I still wonder about:
1. Why couldn't women conceive and give birth on the island? My answer is that it has something to do with Mother killing the true mother. Thoughts?
2. What about the Aaron is special, apocalyptic overtones from the beginning of the show?
I don't need to know about Walt's powers or what the light actually is (It's magic and that's good enough for me) or anything more about Dharma. Although I would be up for discussing all of these thoughts.
Is there any meaning for Lost and Jack in the 23rd Psalm?
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
Marissa -- The therapy is rewatching on DVD. It gives the show an afterlife. :)
Overall I was pretty happy with the finale. I'm sure I will have to watch it another time or two to catch all the nuances, but there was so much to enjoy there. Lots of humor, lots of tears... a sense of closure and redemption.
I know many fans will take issue with it, and many will feel it didn't answer enough questions. I still have questions, too. But that's OK with me. LOST was, as J.J. would put it, a mystery box... and once you open the box, and empty it, the mystery is all gone. And as Original Recipe Locke would say: "Where's the fun in that?"
OK, I was pretty peeved that the finale didn't reveal the fate of the island...until you look closer. Who was on the island in the final minutes but not in the church? Why Vincent, of course. (So, glad they brought Vincent back...was very worried about him.) This means that Vincent is the official caretaker, and the island has, yes, gone to the dogs. There, now that's settled.
Here's a nice except from a reader on the WashPost's LOST chat:
Jack wasn't dead: At least not during the season. He died in the finale, lying in the bamboo field, just like we saw last night. That was all real. The plane really took off, like he saw. That was real too. Shannon died when she was shot, Boone died after he fell, Charlie died when he drowned. It was all real. Just like Christian said at the end: "Everything that's ever happened to you is real."
Everyone lived their lives in the "real" world. Some died early on on the island (Boone/Shannon/etc). Some died later on on the island (Sun/Jin/Sayid/Jack). Some got off the island and went about living their lives (Kate/Claire/Sawyer). They eventually died too. Maybe a week after they got off. Maybe 70 years. It doesn't matter. Christian again: "Everyone dies sometime, kiddo. Some died before you. Some died long after you."
The timing of that doesn't matter. Not in sideways world. ...Time doesn't exist in the sideways world. Again, remember Christian: "There is no NOW here."
Its just where they all went to wait for one another and find one another. And they found one another exactly like they were when they were with one another in the real world. That's why Locke was able to walk. That's why Kate/Sawyer/Claire all looked 35, even though they were likely much older when they died. And that's why Aaron was a baby, even though he very well could have led a full life."
I like the idea how Vincent is the official caretaker. And dog spelled backwards is 'God." =)
I dreamed so vividly last night. Of Lost? Nope. Jonestown. Maybe my mind made a connection between the tropical setting of Guyana and the island. But also possible is that the dream was my head's way of laughing at me for following this show so fervently through several red flags of dysfunction, heh heh.
I love the show but am not satisfied with the end. [Unfortunately] Popeater.com has the wrap-up that most reflects how I feel: http://ow.ly/1PfQP. Former DMNer Lauren Lane Allison gave me the AV Club wrap-up to read: http://ow.ly/1PfS2.
I responded to her about this part of the wrap-up: "I respect the position of the dissenters, but I wish they would respect the position of the defenders, which is that for all of Lost's imperfections — and they are myriad, I’ll grant — the show still offered an experience like no other in the history of television." I don't think fans who are disappointed with the finale disagree about the experience that 'Lost' has provided. I simply don't see why next to no mysteries were solved, why that many loose ends were left untied. The writers could have kept a level of mystery, of vagueness, and still had the show [mostly] keep its contract with the viewer. The two goals aren't mutually exclusive. For me, that finale felt deliberately esoteric, possibly because that was the easy way out. It felt very, "Let's gauze-up the whole episode in soft focus, big grins, a loyal Lab and swelling strings, then maybe Lost disciples won't notice that we answered like 7% of the questions we opened." A little cynical, but that's how it felt. And I loved the Lab, strings and hugs, don't get me wrong. But it filled only part of my cup.
And actually, I appreciate this from Marissa re: missing answers: "I have so many questions about this wonderful planet that we live on that I'm sure will never be answered!" I might actually be able to get behind that interpretation.
Wow, a real therapy group for Losties to help them cope with the end of the show. No joke. Check it out, http://www.augusthealing.com/lost.
Sign me up!! ;)
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