April 8, 2009

What did you think of 'Dead is Dead?'

What did you think of the episode?

Ben and Locke, well really Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson, have great chemistry.

The question continues, can the Losties stuck in the 70s change what will happen in the future. What do you think?


Jen Emily said...

Great delivery of lines by Emerson and O'Quinn. They cracked me up.

So is the island presenting itself to Ben in the form of Alex?

What is up with the people who crashed on the plane? What's in the shadow of the statue? I guess they knew they were crashing on the island. Bizare.

Tim said...

Emerson brilliant as usual. It will be interesting if he can ever transcend Ben as an actor. It's hard to imagine they didn't have him envisioned as a mainstay when they wrote this character.
I still maintain though, that Ben will emerge as, well, if not a good guy, then not the bad guy. As we learn more, I think we see he is doing things for some reason that may in the end be redeemable. You have to be cruel to be kind sometimes, mass murder and all that aside.
As for the episode, I felt I was left hanging -- i expected a few more reveals -- but the lines and the delivery between Emerson and O'Quinn put this at the edge of the pantheon of great episodes.

Joyce Saenz Harris said...

Wow, this was one of those eps that I just could not believe it ended when it did -- I was so hooked on every single second of it that it seemed to pass in no time.

Yes, I think that Smokey judged Ben in a manifestation as Alex, just as Mr. Eko was "judged" by Smokey appearing as his brother Yemi.

And whoa, what's up with Ilana and her crew?! They must have been sent separately by Widmore -- maybe in league with Eloise Hawking? Who else would have known to get them (and Sayid) on Ajira 316?

Not sure if that's the last we'll see of Caesar -- was not expecting him to get shot! -- but Ilana seems to be in full charge of their "Shadow of the Statue" crew now. (That line must be an Others code password, like "What did one snowman say to the other smowman?" was for Dharma at the Swan.)

I think Frank is gonna wish he had stayed on the main island with Sun and Locke. But I'd bet anything now that it was Ilana and her crew firing at the Losties from the other outrigger at the beginning of this season, when they were between time-flashes. I am guessing that this is Widmore's new group of "mercenaries" who are out to wrest the Island from Ben once and for all. But does that mean taking it from Richard and the remaining Others, as well? Can Widmore expect John Locke to side with him against Richard Alpert and "his" people?

I am so, so happy to know Penny and Charlie are OK, and I was cheering on Desmond as he beat up Ben!

And it was interesting to see how Charles' "other" life off the Island -- including having Penny with an off-Island woman -- led to Ben getting him banished. Where was Eloise during these later on-Island scenes with Charles? Was she already gone? Still there? Where was Daniel? Was he a child on the Island?

One last thought: Why did Ben not mention anything about the Barracks being deserted? And why was his house the same, even though the rest of the compound made it seem that Dharma had not been gone that long?

As the the preview of next week, that looks like a good one too. And it looks to be Miles-centric! And he's working with Dr. Pierre Chang! DADDY!

Jeff said...

The dialogue, delivery and body language between Locke and Ben was truly amazing.
It was both fun and funny to watch Ben squirm.
I'm guessing that Joyce is right about Ilana and her crew. I bet they were sent there by Widmore.
I'm still anxious to see how the soldiers babysitting a nuke evolved into a mystic cult.
And correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that an image of the Egyptian god of the afterlife, Anubis, on the wall above Smokey's vent? Anubis was considered to be gatekeeper of the underworld. Is that one of Smokey's role?

Kevin said...

Liked some things, disliked others. Overall, not a bad episode. When they were under the temple with torches and the mystical smoke "monster," it reminded me a little of Indiana Jones.

Glad they didn't kill off Ben (which I had thought might be coming from last week's preview). I would like to see the writers continue to develop this complex and sometimes contradictory character.

He obviously had some childhood trauma, but even then it didn't turn him into a killer. We saw a young-ish Ben him spare the French woman's life and Alex.

I'd like to learn a little more about his past and how it molded him into the scheming and manipulative cold-blooded killer he's become.

I like how the writers have given him some sympathetic qualities. He's a guy you love to hate. And just when you think he's going to change, he does something barbaric, like try to kill Penny to settle a score with Widmore.

Unknown said...

I thought for a fleeting minute that Locke took on the form of Alex.. that he is walking dead, like Alex, Christian, Claire, etc... I can't work it out, found it interesting that Alex appeared when John was away.. Maybe nothing?

Unknown said...

Hi again!!

Just want to ask about the "shadow of the statue"? I remember the main plot line of Thursday's ep, but I can't recall this.. can someone remind me of this? Thanks!

Jen Emily said...

Regina, right before Illana hit Frank she asked him, what's in the shadow of the statue. He was confused and then she it him. It's obviously some kind of code or password.