March 11, 2009

It's bye week, and Doc Jensen theorizes...

A Wednesday without a new Lost is like a Wednesday without sunshine. And that's pretty much what we've got today, boys and girls: no sunshine in Dallas, and no new Lost for another week.

But if you're really desperate, you can watch a rerun of "LaFleur" tonight at 8 (CDT) on ABC. Or you can DVR all the old eps running on G4 and SciFi, like I'm doing.

And then you can also hop over to's Totally Lost site and see what Doc Jensen has to say about the absence of Rose and Bernard. He also offers fan theories on the Others' lack of baby-making mojo, and he ruminates on just exactly who may have been the Others' leader when the Purge wiped out Horace and most of the rest of the Dharma Initiative. (The good news is, the Purge isn't due to happen until December 1992. So the Lostaways have 15 years to wait, unless somebody turns that dang donkey wheel again...)

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