January 21, 2010

Buy a piece of LOST history...

The sixth and last season of Lost is less than two weeks away. But if you're already wondering what you'll do when your favorite show has ended, take heart: You can have a piece of Lost for your very own.

The auction house Profiles in History plans to sell a collection of authentic Lost props this summer. The sale will include key pieces of Lostabilia such as Daniel Faraday's journal, Kate's toy airplane, young James Ford's letter to "Mr. Sawyer," the photo of Desmond and Penny, Ben's forged passports, the survivors' bottle filled with messages, Sayid's photo of Nadia, Danielle Rousseau's music box, Charlie's "DS" ring, John Locke's hunting knife and scabbard, Sawyer's makeshift eyeglasses, Hugo's winning lottery ticket with "the numbers," and many more items.

Check the Profiles in History website for a slide show to preview the auction, and you can sign up on the website for e-mail alerts about the Lost auction, too.

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