May 18, 2010

Lost 6.16: "What they died for"

It's hard to believe that tonight we'll be watching the second to last episode of Lost.

It doesn't seem like that long ago, I read a review of the pilot and thought "That sounds interesting" and decided to check out the series premiere.

Tonight's episode sets up the 2 1/2 hour series finale. Expect answers, and, let's face it, more questions.

Want to know what we'll learn? (Not the answers themselves, though) Highlight the white text below: (Thanks to Hercules at Ain't It Cool News)

Everybody’s back, including Richard, Ben, Miles and Des.

It’s a big episode for Charles Widmore.

Major developments transpire in Los Angeles. We catch up with Hurley, Desmond, Kate, Sayid, Jack, John, Ben, Alex, Danielle and Ana Lucia.

We learn why Sun said “It’s him!” when she saw Locke.

We learn why Kate’s name was crossed off on the cave wall.

We learn Shepard, Ford and Reyes are not the only candidates left.

We learn this week which of the candidates succeeds Jacob.

If that's not enough, here are two clips from tonight's show:

Still not enough? Here's the series finale promo trailer. There appears to be no new footage. Just clips set to The Doors song The End.


Marissa said...

First main question I have is: Is Richard dead? I thought he couldn't die? Or is it he can't kill himself?

Overall, I really liked this episode.

Stella said...

Yeah, that's not how I wanted to see Richard go. I thought he deserved better. And I also thought he couldn't die. Or only at the hands of Smokey?

Good episode though. I loved when Ben asked Fake Locke why he walked instead of fly like smokey across the island. Great question!

I loved seeing Ben get emotional in sideways world. I loved seeing Rouseau (sp?)!

Question: When talking to Rouseau, did Ben suddenly remember something about Alex and being on the island?

Another great moment: Hurley to Desmond, "Dude, I didn't know Ana Lucia was going to be here." I laughed out loud.

I love how they're bringing back old characters. And how funny and cool is it to see Desmond with a smirk on his face in jail greeting Kate and company.

Another question: So Desmond is taking Kate to the concert so she'll bump into Jack? Will he and Kate be the ones left on the island to protect it in the end or will Kate end up with Sawyer? Do you guys think someone, i.e. Jack, will remain on the island in the end or will some of them make it back to the real world?

And now that we know Jack will be the leader or protector of the island, where will that leave Desmond in the end? Could he be the next to fall victim after his mission is accomplished in getting everyone together in sideways world?

I have to say I got a bit teary-eyed when Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley were talking to Jacob. Jacob's explanation about why he picked them was moving.

Biggest shock of the night, I thought, was Widmore getting killed. I really thought he'd be there till the end.

Ok, I'm going to re-watch the episode now.

Marissa said...

Stel - Yeah, I also thought it was weak ending for Richard, if in fact he did did. How could they kill off one of the major characters in that way?

I was also shocked by Widmore's death. I thought he'd be there til the end as well.

I became teary-eyed during the Jack-Jacob exchange. As most of y'all know, Jack is my favorite character. And I become teary-eyed when he stepped up to say he would protect the island. I flashed back to the beginning of the show, and thought it was bittersweet to think of his character arc and how far he has come.

There was alot of witty dialogue. I cracked up when Ben and Flocke were sitting on the porch and Ben offered him a glass of lemonade. Lots of wry humor.

Regarding the concert - Is Desmond taking Kate to the concert where Charlie's band was expected to perform? I also assume Desmond wants to go there so he can run into Pennie.

I don't think Kate will end up with Sawyer.

About the light in the cave -- I thought the light went out when Nameless/Jacob's brother entered it last week after Jacob beat the crap out of him and pushed him into the stream? Then, we saw the Smokey thing emerge out of the light tunnel/cave and I thought the cave went black. But that was thousands of years ago, so I guess the light is still there.

If I was teary-eyed during tonight's episode, I don't want to imagine how I'll be on Sunday night. Sobbing, I supposse.

Kevin said...

I've had a sort of change of heart recently concerning Lost. I've learned to give up trying to make sense out of the plot and just enjoy loving the characters.

Yes, it doesn't make sense often. But who cares? That's my new mentality.

The show, in my opinion, has always been weak on story/plot development and rich in character development. The story lines often seem contrived, as the writers struggle to find ways to close huge plot holes. It sometimes seems like the writers are making it up as they go along (which they probably are).

The dialogue can be heavy on exposition, with characters saying ridiculous things like "that's why I took the canoe and brought the dynamite two days ago in order to trick so and so.....etc."

But the characters are awesome. You really root for them, even when they do bad things.

So that's it. I'm going to sit back and enjoy what happens to these people I've followed for so many years, regardless of what ludicrous, supernatural, pseudo-religious explanations the writers throw at them.

I feel free! Free to love Lost again.

Marissa said...

typos in my first graf in the post above. Meant to say: I thought it was a weak ending for Richard, if in fact he did die.

Marissa said...

Kevin - you sound liberated!!

yeah, at this point, I don't even care what the island represents. I care more about the characters and where they're going to end up. Like will Sawyer take his shirt off one more time? ;)

Oh, and here's hoping for the ending where Jack wakes up from a heavy slumber only to find Sawyer stepping out of the shower and telling him, "Had a bad dream, man?" =) I know we all used to joke about that. But hey, it may be one of the alternate endings they show on Jimmy Kimmel Live following the finale. Jimmy Kimmel will probably have some hilarious alternate ending.

Stella said...

Kevin, my dear, I'm glad you've had a change of heart. Sometimes you just have to go with it and enjoy a show for what it is. That said, I think this is still by far the most ambitious show produced on television. I was a huge fan of the X-Files, which was pretty involved and ground breaking, but I think Lost surpasses it. It especially surpasses it in character development.

A thought about Ben as I'm rewatching right now: He's always been on of my favorite characters. Yes, he's bad, but I loved how we've also seen the more tender side of him: when his daughter, Alex, was killed and in that scene with Alana earlier this season where he just wanted to be accepted and part of something. I really felt for him.

It's understandable then that the sight of where his daughter was buried triggered some deep emotions and caused him to kill Widmore. But I hate that he might now go after our beloved Losties. Just when I thought he'd redeemed himself a bit.

In the end, Lost is one big metaphor for life. The ups and downs we have. The nuances in our behavior. Our struggle to believe and question and our conflict (for those of us who believe in a higher power) between faith and religion. But it's also about love as the producers have said. Without it, what would be the point, right?

Marissa said...

I think Ben is pulling a con on Flocke in the same way that he himself was conned in last year's season finale. Ben has a plan like he always does. Yeah, I love Michael Emerson. Brilliant actor. He can be so tender-hearted but then can instantly switch to being a villain. I love him and hate him.

I don't know if we'll ever see another show like LOST. Well, at least not anytime soon. It has been groundbreaking in terms of production costs (it's the most expensive TV show right now), the way it's shot like a motion picture, and even the music. I read a story about the composer Michael Giacchino in the recent issue of The New Yorker. LOST is one of the few shows that still uses a live orchestra for the score.

marissa said...

Ooh, Nightline is airing a segment on Lost tonight called, "the Lost goodbye." Watch it if you can. It looks like they're going to compare it to other finales such as MASH and The Sopranos. But they won't give spoilers of course

Stella said...

Thanks for the heads up about Nightline, Marissa. Let's hope Lost falls in the great ending and not dud category.

Hey, another question I just thought of: Is there any significance to Jack's neck bleeding at the beginning of the episode? Is it foreshadowing or am I reading too much into it?

Joyce Saenz Harris said...

I am not sure Richard's dead yet...nor do I think we've seen the last of Frank Lapidus. However if Widmore wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest, he's an idiot. I really expected him to be around for the finale. Shoot, I wanted to know more about his visit from Jacob! And I was disappointed that Ben's redemption seemed so shortlived. Would he really rather cooperate with Smokey than see if Widmore's plan could work?

Meanwhile in Sideways world, looks like everyone will meet up at Daniel's concert... This promises to be interesting indeed.

And didn't the crazy French lady clean up nice?

Stella said...

French woman looked great indeed! For a minute, I thought she and Ben woud share a kiss or something.

I really think the writers messed up by killing off Widmore in this episode. Let's hope he was wearing a bullet proof vest, but that's probably doubtful.

I'm wondering if this will end with Jack on the island "protecting it" and Sawyer, Kate and Hurley as the new "others," another plane or possibly boat crashing on the island and a new group of Losties.

Ugh, that would be the easy way to end it. I hope that's not it.

Jen Emily said...

This episode seemed action packed. So much going on in all the plot lines.

I thought tonight's episode put last week's show into perspective. I didn't hate it as so many in the blog world seemed to. But I like it better now.

So much for Ben's redemption. He may indeed be pulling a con on Smokey but unless he save the world, I don't see him being redeemed for all the bad he's done.

What was with Desmond telling Jack that his father's body had been found? I guess we'll find out next week.

So, I think Locke will only remember his Island life when he can walk again. What do you will think it will take for Jack? And, Kate and Sayid still need to remember, too.

Stella, I like the Sideways world, too. I have to think the worlds will combine somehow. All this redemption must lead to something.

Nice to see Michelle Rodriguez even if it was brief. Wonder how she will explain how three prisoners escaped.

I think Jack was the obvious choice to replace Jacob. Although I don't think they really had a choice despite what Jacob said. I mean if no one did it, bad, bad things would happen. It seemed like it had to be a Jack-Locke showdown even though Fake Locke isn't really Locke.

Joyce Saenz Harris said...

OK, I'm confused. Frank and Sun talked to MIB in a Barracks that clearly was a long-abandoned Dharmaville. When James returned there to mourn Juliet and get drunk, it still was Dharmaville -- 30 years deserted. It looked as if the Others never took it over at all. Yet when Ben returns to get the C4, it's New Otherton. Apparently the Others have been gone three years. No sign of the Dharma folk. What's up with that?

Joyce Saenz Harris said...

OK, I just gave the Widmore shooting scene a close rewatch. Ben fires three times; Charles looks startled and sinks to floor. We see NO bullet holes and NO bloodstains. I am calling it for the Kevlar vest! Which means we'll see Widmore again -- and also means Ben is indeed redeemed. Either he knew of the vest or there were blanks in that handgun.

Stella said...

Joyce, I love this theory. I hope you're right. If we've invested all this time on Widmore, you'd think we'd see more of an epic ending for him.

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Yang Kuo said...

OK, I'm confused. Frank and Sun talked to MIB in a Barracks that clearly was a long-abandoned Dharmaville. When James returned there to mourn Juliet and get drunk, it still was Dharmaville -- 30 years deserted. It looked as if the Others never took it over at all.

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