April 25, 2009

Lawsuit accuses Henry Ian Cusick of sexual harassment

Henry Ian Cusick, who plays Desmond, was named in a sexual harassment lawsuit.

According to the Associated Press, a lawsuit filed Friday in Los Angeles alleges that Cusick fondled the plaintiff's buttocks and breasts and kissed her on the lips while working on Lost in October 2007.

The woman, who was a production crew member at the time, claims she reported the incident to her supervisor, only to be told to avoid contact with Cusick.

Twelve days later, the lawsuit claims, the woman was fired in retaliation for reporting the alleged abuse.


Joyce Saenz Harris said...

I really hate to hear this, loving our Des as I do. Seems very out of character, according to what we know of this actor -- especially since Henry Ian Cusick portrayed Jesus Christ in 2003's "Gospel of St. John"! (A film that was much praised by Christian reviewers and audiences, btw.)

Stella said...

I hated hearing about this too. Not our Desmond!